The Case of Finland and the EMU: Stabilizing a Small Economy

Staðsetning: Árnagarður 201

A Lecture by Ilkka Mytty, Financial Counsellor at the Finnish Ministry of Finance, hosted by the Institute of International Affairs and Centre for Small States Studies

Thursday April 2nd from 12-1pm at Árnagarður 201

Ilkka Mytty

Thursday April 2nd Ilkka Mytty, Financial Counsellor at the Finnish Ministry of Finance, will give a talk on Finland´s experience with the EU´s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Finland suffered a severe financial crisis in the 1990s and the government consequently decided to apply for membership of the European Union. In 1995 Finland became a member of the European Union, and in January 2002 the euro became the country´s national currency. Ilkka Mytty will discuss the development of economic and monetary affairs in Finland since the beginning of the 20th century until today, with a special focus on Finland´s experience with the EMU in the country´s efforts to stabilize its economy.

The seminar is held in English, and is open to all.

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