BRÍS: Golfmót á Belfry

This year BICC got touch with one of the most famous golf resorts in the UK – The Belfry. With it´s history which includes four times The Ryder Cup and multiple European tours along with being centrally located between the Humberside, Manchester and London and in only 15 minute drive from Birmingham airport, we find The Belfry being the perfect fit to host BICC 13th Annual Golf Day.

There will be limited number of 18 teams with 72 players who will play at the PGA National Golf Course and registration is on first come first served basis.

Registration: Last day of registration a team is April 16

As before this will be a fourball competition. The first Prize, as well as holding the cherished BICC Challenge Trophy for one year, is a trip for the winning team to/from Iceland, including a round of Golf in one of Iceland´s fine courses. There will be other prizes for 2nd, 3rd, and nearest the pin and longest drive, plus the YELLOW BALL.

Nánari upplýsingar á vefsíðu BRÍS

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